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Deep in the Appenzeller land of Switzerland lies one of the original Swiss Mountain Inns, the Berggasthaus Aescher. The four hundred year old Inn is still open to guests and it’s quaint Aescher Restaurant has been named ‘The World’s Most Interesting Restaurant’ by Huffington Post, an online American newspaper. The Inn was also named Mountain Inn of the year in 2012.
Though this is a hidden gem, getting there is half the fun! From the tiny village of Appenzell, where we stayed at Hotel Lowen, there is a five minute train ride to Wasserauen where you board the scenic cable car to Ebenalp. There is then a twenty minute hike down to The Aescher Guesthouse. The sheer beauty of the green meadows, sprinkled with wildflowers and large patches of remaining June snow, framed by magnificent snow capped mountains in the background, may require multiple photo stops, thus you should allow extra time for this hike!

The historical Wildkirchli Cave appears after a short hike. Historical bones of cave bears and other animals have been found here, along with prehistoric pottery, dating back from 45000 to 30000 BC. Even though there are handrails along the cave steps and a few lights, it is still dark and it would be wise to have a flashlight.

Upon exiting the cave, you find yourself on the cliff’s edge with the green valley below and the towering mountains as a backdrop. There stands the Hermit Monk’s hut which is now a museum.

A few yards further, in a large grotto is the Wilderkirckli Chapel built in 1621. The hermit monks used to ring the bell five times a day at prayer time.

A narrow cliffside trail, with views of waterfalls coming down from the mountains across the valley, leads to the Aescher Guesthouse and Restaurant.

There you have the option to eat inside, where the back wall is the rock of the cliff, or enjoy the outdoor tables which have a majestic view! Either way, the restaurant does not disappoint with it’s Swiss Menu. Meals are served on cutting boards in the Swiss Tradition.

The uphill hiking trail along the cliff, back to Ebenalp, is meticulously marked, as are all Swill Trails. The same trail may be taken in reverse or there are many other options, including The Seealpsee which is a hike to the lake.

This is a wonderful moderate hike that is very exhilarating and beautiful, not to mention the added historical interest. Definitely consider making a trek here if you are in the Appenzell area!