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Preventing Jet Lag

Before You Depart:
Eat lightly the night before departure. Drink water and avoid alcohol, caffeine, and carbonated beverages. Retire earlier than usual.
In Flight:
Take Genexa Jet Lag Rx, a natural, homeopathic supplement. It works for me.
Wear support hose while traveling. This will help to prevent feet from swelling.
Avoid salty foods. They can make you feel bloated and cause your ankles to swell. (Skip the peanuts)
Drink lots of water. Avoid alcoholic, carbonated, and caffeine beverages during the flight. This will combat the dehydrating effects of air travel. Airline crews are advised to drink 8 ounces per hour of in flight time. Carbonated beverages make you feel bloated since the gas expands at high altitudes. The diuretic properties of tea, and coffee make you more dehydrated . Alcohol also dehydrates you.
Stretch before, during, and after the trip. Elevate your feet as much as possible.
Bring a travel pillow.
Moisturize your face and hands when there is still moisture in your pores.
Use natural saline teardrops if needed.
After you Land
Continue to drink lots of water. Take a shower to rehydrate your pores and apply moisture lotion.